Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The mighty CPAP!

So, just imagine me laying there instead of that old guy. I just got done with my first night on the CPAP. I didn't sleep very well. Normally it takes me about 2 or 3 deep breaths to fall asleep. It took me at least 30-40 minutes to fall asleep with the facemask on.

Also, the lady that was setting my CPAP up was showing me the maximum pressure the mahine would attain during the night. The machine is automatic though, and it only distributes that pressure in those moments where you absolutely need it. The machine constantly monitors pressures and oxygen levels, so the machine is constantly blowing harder and softer throughout the night.

Except for mine. She accidentally set it for full pressure, all the time. Needless to say, I am very tired today. She apologized and ran over a new program card to set it right. I need a nap.

I am officiating my first wedding this weekend. I am marrying my roomate and the church's nursery coordinator. Which is cool, but I am losing a roomate. Anyone want to pay me rent and come live in my house?

Alright, peace out.

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